Recommendations: Contemplative (6)

[Description]: While not a conventional genre, I think there are many shows which can best be understood and recognized by how they explore their characters and worlds in a thoughtful, provocative way. These kinds of stories are usually about a character or group of characters that travel around and explore their world in search of meaning or understanding.…

Recommendations: Action (12)

[Description]:  Action shows are all about high-intensity, fast-pacing, and big, epic, payoff moments. They always feature tons of fights, battles, and dramatic exchanges in order to conjure up excitement and passion in the viewer. Their stories are often more simplistic and straightforward but there are still plenty of action shows that manage to be just as thematic,…

Recommendations: Romance (10)

[Description]: Romance shows are sweet, dramatic, and emotionally driven. Love in all of its forms is the consistent theme that binds these shows together. They explore the romantic relationships of their cast members and often feature heavy character development as the characters of interest change and play off of one another. Comedy is an often featured sub-genre which…

Recommendations: Comedy (10)

[Description]:  A genre that needs no explanation, comedies are all about making people laugh. Full of ridiculous scenarios, absurd characters, and outlandish premises, comedy shows typically try to evoke humor and hilarity and not much else. Because they are often situationally dependent, many comedies are episodic and lack an overarching plot. Links to spoiler-free reviews of all…

Recommendations: Drama (7)

[Description]:  Dramas are what they sound like – they are dramatic. They attempt to stimulate and appeal to their viewer’s emotions above all else. They often try to portray relatable characters so the audience can better understand what they are going through, sympathize, and share in their emotional experiences. While some shows only lightly play upon their viewer’s emotions,…

Recommendations: Sports (2)

[Description]: Sports shows as you would expect are about sports! They are often action-packed and dramatic to give the viewer a sense of excitement and allow them to invest themselves in the successes or failures of a team or player. Sports shows most often are just as much about life outside of the sport and who the…

Recommendations: Sci-Fi (11)

[Description]: Heavily characterized by their futuristic settings, technological advancements, and scientific terminology, science fiction shows attempt to portray often drastically different yet conceivably imaginable worlds. These shows are often very dialogue heavy and full of immersive, scientific concepts and jargon. Space, planets, robotics, and machines are all common subjects of the genre and the forward-facing perspectives of…

Recommendations: Slice of Life (6)

[Description]: The slice of life genre is typically about exploring the mundane eccentricities of the daily lives of its characters and offering a relaxing, pleasant atmosphere. These kinds of stories often forsake conventional plot-lines and storytelling in exchange for a more episodic, explorative format where they can jump in and out of their character’s lives without much disruption.…

Recommendations: Suspense/Thriller (9)

[Description]: Suspense thrillers are often full of mystery and psychological mind games. They aim to keep the viewer on the edge of their seat by portraying high-stakes, stressful situations, a myriad of plot twists, unforeseen developments, and narrative cliffhangers that keep you wanting more. Detective narratives, dark and complicated dramas, and horror stories are all pervasive…

Recommendations: Supernatural/Fantasy (9)

[Description]:  Generally speaking, the fantasy genre is about strange and imaginative settings full of magic and otherworldly beings. This can range from high to low fantasy – some shows featuring entire worlds that have their own set of rules and histories while others merely augment our own reality with the strange and the supernatural. These kinds of shows…